“We are in the same position.” Intergenerational feminist practices during isolation

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Paula Nurit Shabel


The economic, health and human crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated inequalities that were particularly embodied in certain feminized bodies and people living in crowded conditions, for whom being confined in private space poses a risk. The purpose of this article is to analyze the experience of the pandemic undergone by girls and female adolescents in precarious living conditions in the City of Buenos Aires, who participated in the La Caldera social organization. From an ethnographic perspective, I study the creative types of encounter devised by both adult women and girls in the organization to address situations of violence and the ways these encounters stretched the limits of public-private-intimate categories to give rise to an intergenerational feminist practice based on a non-adult form of care I call friendship.

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How to Cite
Nurit Shabel, P. (2021). “We are in the same position.” Intergenerational feminist practices during isolation. Debate Feminista, 63. https://doi.org/10.22201/cieg.2594066xe.2022.63.2320
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