On the Subject of a New Feminist Realism as an Ontological Means of Overcoming Sociolinguistic Constructivism

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María J Binetti


The second half of the 20th century was dominated by a linguistic approach and the conversion of philosophy into a de/constructivist sociologism. In the field of feminist theories, the sociolinguistic paradigm advanced from the incorporation of “gender” as a hegemonic category to the transgender dissolution of the sexual and its culmination in the queerization of feminism and the elimination of women as ontological subjects. Conversely, the 21st century has focused on the collapse of discursive postmodernity, with the ontological certainty of the real in its consistency, irreducible to discourses, texts, interpretations, economic relations and bio-technological norms. Within the framework of the so-called new speculative or realistic turn, the following pages will attempt to re-ontologize the female sexual difference outside the false dualist dichotomy between essentialism and anti-essentialism or substantialism and nominalism to which it has postmetaphysically been forced.

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How to Cite
Binetti, M. J. (2019). On the Subject of a New Feminist Realism as an Ontological Means of Overcoming Sociolinguistic Constructivism. Debate Feminista, 58. https://doi.org/10.22201/cieg.2594066xe.2019.58.04
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