Norms and Formalities

  1. Articles must have a minimum of 6,000 and a maximum of 8,000 words including tables, graphs, references and notes. Book reviews must not exceed 3,000 words and they must refer to a first edition (not translation) not older than two years.

Exceptionally, when their academic interest justifies it, the Editorial Committee may send for arbitration manuscripts exceeding the above-mentioned extension. 

  1. Manuscripts must have the following technical characteristics:
  • be processed in digital format, compatible with Word processor
  • in letter size (21.5 x 28 cm)
  • in Arial font, 12 points and double spaced
  • with superior and inferior margins of 2.5 cm, and left and right margins of 3 cm
  • keep justified margins throughout the body of the text.
  1. Apart from its quality and relevance, manuscripts are expected to observe high formal standards, including spelling, syntax, style, clarity of expression and structure, and citation norms. Without consulting the author(s), the Journal may conduct minor style corrections for publication, without altering the sense of the text.


Information About the Authors, Abstract and Keywords

  1. Every manuscript must include a cover page specifying:
  2. the title of the article or review (maximum 10 words)
  3. the author(s) full name(s)
  4. a brief résumé (no longer than 15 lines) indicating:
  • institutionaladscription
  • ORCID ID (If unregistered, it may be obtained at
  • academic degree and issuing institution
  • lines of research
  • telephone number
  • e-mail
  • postal address
  • two bibliographical references of their recent work
  1. A brief declaration stating that the manuscript is original and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  2. A brief abstract (maximum 140 words) in both Spanish and English must accompany the manuscript stating its intention, results, and conclusions.
  3. Following the abstract, three to six keywords must be included (in both Spanish and English). We recommend consulting the thesaurus of the National Women’s Institute (