Pose, Market and Resistance. Vogue as an Identity Scenario

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Siobhan Fenella Guerrero Mc Manus


The present study uses an autoethnographic, situated strategy to undertake an analysis of the vogue/ballroom subculture. Vogue is an urban dance performed by a subculture with global reach. It is done in ballrooms or dance competitions where identities challenging cis-heterosexist norms participate. These encounters have achieved enormous visibility, both through productions such as Pose and Paris is Burning, and in seminal academic essays such as the influential “Gender is Burning” by Judith Butler. This essay analyzes the way this dance acts as a stage for identity construction. At three analytical/biographical moments, an approach is developed which, on the one hand, questions the romanticization of this scene and, on the other, criticizes the simplistic analyses conducted on it.

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How to Cite
Guerrero Mc Manus, S. F. (2024). Pose, Market and Resistance. Vogue as an Identity Scenario. Debate Feminista, 68, 1–30. https://doi.org/10.22201/cieg.2594066xe.2024.68.2455
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