Production of gender differences in science: power, identity, and discourse

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Natalia Andrea Jara Colicoy
Claudia Lorena Matus Cánovas


The purpose of this research is to explore the production of gender differences in the school context, particularly in natural science classes, by analyzing the power relations embedded in discursive and material mechanisms that establish gender norms for the production of differences, asymmetries and discriminatory practices. To achieve the objectives, we designed multiple case studies at three schools in Santiago de Chile, one for boys, another for girls and a mixed one. Research practices were guided by an ethnographic approach that incorporates in-depth interviews with actors from the educational community. The interrelated results produced in the three cases show how the specific discourses of heteronormativity act in the creation of the power relations or strategic relations underpinning what is understood by “gender differences” in the school context.


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How to Cite
Jara Colicoy, N. A., & Matus Cánovas, C. L. (2023). Production of gender differences in science: power, identity, and discourse. Debate Feminista, 66, 1–32.
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