Debate Feminista is a Mexican journal founded in 1990 by doctor Marta Lamas. During its first period, spanning 25 years, 50 volumes were published on a number of topics pertaining to gender and sexuality from the perspective of various disciplinary approaches in the social sciences and humanities (anthropology, sociology, psychology and psychoanalysis, political science, economics, law, history, philosophy, literature, and visual arts).

From 2016 onwards, Debate Feminista came under the fold of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and has been published by the Center for Research and Studies on Gender ever since as a peer-reviewed academic journal, observing the university publications’ guidelines. It appears twice a year, the printed edition as well as the open access online edition.

All 50 issues of the Debate Feminista historical repository are available for free in PDF format.

Convocatoria para imagen de portada


Debate Feminista invita a enviar propuestas visuales (fotografías, pinturas, dibujos, ilustraciones, etcétera) inspiradas en temas de género, sexualidad y/o feminismo para la portada de nuestra revista.


Vol. 70 (2025)

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Atención: a partir del volumen 68 (julio-diciembre de 2024), Debate Feminista modifica sus normas bibliográficas.